BPA Dance Competition
Roseburg, Oregon
“Every day hundreds of Douglas County residents are suffering from domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Every day, since 1978, Battered Persons’ Advocacy (BPA) is available 24-7 to respond to crises due to family violence and/or sexual assault. Unfortunately, this epidemic is not slowing down nor the cost incurred for providing care and support to these survivors.”
Each year the BPA puts on a dance competition to raise money for their cause. Fotan has donated web development, hosting and their domain name since the beginning. It’s a very worthy cause and we’re glad to be able to help.
The website has a few notable features.
- A registration form that is filled out on the website, but shows up at the BPA as a fully filled out PDF.
- A fully integrated PayPal shopping cart and payment system.
- Video and photo galleries of past performances.
- Sponsors section with a hierarchy based on sponsorship level.