“The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s priority is to promote, protect and advocate for Roseburg and Douglas County businesses. The chamber is a coalition of businesses of all sizes coming together to create a strong local economy, promote business and our community, provide networking opportunties and represent businesses through political action.
The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce is the primary business information resource for local residents and visitor’s alike. The Roseburg Area Chamber possitivley impacts and advances this community every day. Be part of ensuring Douglas County’s economic success and long-term sustainability.”
The chamber had a website that was designed about 20 years ago (no joke). I had been maintaining it for about the last 10 years, but it got to the point where the Flash movies and templates were causing more problems every day. Every update I made to a template would require hours of hand coding to fix the template. Real pain in the ass.
Sometime in 2017 I finally convinced them to get some money in their budget for a redesign. We got started early in 2018 with a launch date of mid-December. We were doing good. Had an approved design and had most of the features figured out. Then they went to a regional chamber meeting and came back with all kinds of great ideas for how to make the website better. 4 redesigns later, we were pretty much back where we started with all the stuff they wanted changed. Minor changes were being sent to me over and over and over again, often doing the same design more than once. Very annoying.
Somewhere around July 2019 I finally had to use a little tough love with them and tell them that they needed to figure out how to use WordPress. We did the redesign in WP so they could maintain the site themselves, yet they were sending me emails asking me to change a word in a title. WTH???? Anyway, months later we finally launch, I send my final invoice to try to make myself feel better for all the time I wasted and they refused to pay because it was over the original budget. Hello? We went over budget because of all the idiotic redesigns and repeating changes. So, while I appreciate all work I do, I ended up working for minimum wage for the Roseburg Chamber. I still like the site and feel like I did a fantastic job, but, man, I hate the Chamber.
Even so, the website has a few notable features.